Sunday, April 25, 2010

live video information

With the rapid development of modern communication technology, multimedia communication has become the inexorable development trend of communication services. As traditional voice service can’t meet a requirement, image information transmission has become the basic service for modern communication system. The distinctive feature of image discount wedding dresses processing is the gigantic quantity of data. Especially for real-time image transmission, enough processing speed is also needed. DSP can rapidly realize various digital signal processing custom made prom dresses algorithms as the basic digital signal processing hardware tool, and it has been widely used in many kinds of fields recently such as real-time image processing, image monitoring and so on.In 12hot cheap prom dresses view of the above characteristics of communication services and DSP technology development, this paper designs the software of mobile telephone real-time image browsing platform based on wedding gowns dresses fixed-point DSP chip TMS320DM642.The main function of this platform is to polo shirts shop capture live video information, and then process the video information in DSP image processing system, finally send the image to discount wedding prom dresses mobile telephone users to browse by network.RF5 and DSP/BIOS real-time kernel are both used in the software design.
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